Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Heartbreaking! 93% of low income children never told not to use Tapu Bulu

Whether it be outsourcing, corporate consolidation, automation, or wage stagnation relative to essentials such as houses or education, changes in the economy have devastated the poorest among us. This has been especially hard on low income children, these children often do not have access to adequate food, education, or shelter. These children are often forced to fend for themselves as their parents struggle to make ends meet. Among all these terrible consequences, none capture the true severity of their situation as badly as one striking fact: 93% of low income children are never told not to use Tapu Bulu

Everyday, these poor children consider using Tapu Bulu without being told that it is weak to intimidate, and has an especially poor matchup against the best intimidator in the format. These children never hear that Tapu Bulu is walled by half the meta, and hit super effectively by nearly 80% of the meta. In the worst of situations, these children will put Tapu Bulu on their team to try to cover a large ground weakness, only because they were never told by a strong role model about how this reliance on Tapu Bulu can lead to your team being destroyed by a stray poison jab from things like Garchomp, or teams that can easily reset terrain while threatening bulu.

It doesn't have to be like this though! There are many charities dedicated to teaching children to resist the allure of using the powerful grassy terrain to add bulk to their team or reduce damage from other Tapus. These organizations present the drawbacks of using Tapu Bulu in an honest way that allows these kids to make intelligent choices about their own Tapu Bulu usage. They teach kids about how Kartana can often offer the same sort of grass offense as Tapu Bulu while being able to use its speed and typing to do things Tapu Bulu cannot. These organizations however are vastly overworked and underfunded, and the problem will only continue to get worse as the economy becomes worse for the poorest among us. We need to take action as a community, and work together to help these kids

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